NPR's Classic Movie Segments

In 2011, National Public Radio's "All Things Considered" aired a few segments about classic movies called "On Location." This short-lived series discusses a film location and how it affects the story.

Each one lasts about 8 minutes. Transcriptions are available. Click a link to visit the individual page at NPR. Enjoy.
On Location: San Francisco in Vertigo 

 Claude Jarman, Jr., at age 11, holding a fawn on the set of The Yearling in 1946.
On Location: The Central Florida Of The Yearling

James Dean on the set of the 1956 film Giant, which was filmed on the Ryan Ranch, west of the town of Marfa. The skeleton of the mansion in the background still stands on the ranch today. 
On Location: Marfa, Texas in Giant

Katharine Hepburn (left) and Rossano Brazzi in Venice in David Lean's 1955 film Summertime.
On Location: A Summertime Romance In Venice

Charlton Heston (left) as Miguel Vargas and Orson Welles as Hank Quinlan in Touch of Evil 
On Location: 'Touch Of Evil"s Border Showdown


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